Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Water Habitats Unit

Fall 2008
Duration: 8 weeks

  • How do we define living things? They move, breathe, grow, eat, excrete waste, and show sensitivity (to temp, light, etc.).
  • Classify items as living or non-living.
  • Classify living items as plant or animal.
  • Classify animals as vertebrates or invertebrates
  • Classify vertebrates as mammals, reptiles, snakes, amphibians, fish, or birds

  • Understand that all living things have a habitat
  • Describe elements of a habitat (food, water, shelter)
  • Classify water habitats as wetlands (swamps, marshes, bogs), ponds/lakes, bay/ocean
  • Classify animals as mammals, reptiles, etc.
  • Explain why different habitats contain different forms of plant life

  • Identify plants and animals in each of these habitats
*Coral Reefs by Gail Gibbons
*Dolphins and Sharks: Magic Treehouse Research Guide
  • Observe, record, and explain observations about a simple water habitat

  • Understand the concept of a food chain
  • Explain and record a food chain in a water habitat

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